IOMSUI is a sub-committee of MYCS A membership in MYCS allows you to get a SUI-sailing number (you must be a permanent resident in Switzerland), the number is valid for the three official classes, IOM, M and 10Rater.
You will have to be a member to be able to register and certify an IOM. If you have an IOM certified and registered you are allowed to race in Switzerland and in International regattas. As a registered owner you are eligible to take part in balloting regarding class rules, events and other matters raised by IOMICA. Balloting are organized by IOMSUI. You will also get access to the member section on this site.
If you already are a member of MYCS and would like to certify/register your IOM, please got to >> 6 – Get a certificate
Would you like to become a member? Please fill in the following membership application or visit the homepage of MYCS