2013 IOM Class Rules

The Techincal Sub-Committee has prepared the 2013 IOM Class Rules, effective 1st. March 2013.

The Rig and Hull Measurement forms have  been updated.

See Class Rules page.

Certification Measurement Form

With the changes in the class rules to allow pigmentation of resins used in the moulding of hulls and the difficulty in examining the interior of many hulls, the declarations required on the Certification Measurement Form have been modified to require the builder of the hull to certify that the materials used in the construction of the boat are in compliance with the class rules.

The Certification Measurement Form remains the only form required to be sent to and retained by the NCA as the result of a successful certification control measurement. The method of storage is the NCA’s decision

Additional Rigs Form

Should the boat be certificated with less than the full complement of rigs then the Additional Rigs Form may be used to add additional rigs to a certificate.  Once the certificate has been up dated then it need not be retained.

Check Lists

The two Check List forms are for the measurers use in conducting a certification measurement.  They are not required to be sent to the NCA.   As such, these check lists should be thought of as a work sheet of checks to be observed by the official measurer in a measurement only and if the boat complies there would be no further use for them.  The check lists might be of some use to the owner of a boat which failed measurement as a record of what has to be corrected before a certificate is issued.

Measurer’s record

This is not part of the Certification Measurement Forms but is only given as a suggestion of a means of a measurer recording measurements he, or she has completed


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